Kyai Leadership Management in Maintaining Pesantren Traditions at Al Hidayat Lasem Islamic Boarding School


  • Selamet Mujahidin Sya'bani Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
  • Barnawi Barnawi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Management, Kyai Leadership, Boarding School Traditions


This research aims to delve deeper into the leadership management carried out by Kyai as the leader within the Islamic boarding school (pondok pesantren), in an effort to uphold the traditions within the boarding school. This study employs a field research approach and utilizes qualitative descriptive research methodology. Consequently, the generated data will take a descriptive form in the shape of narratives depicting the expressions and behavioral patterns of the research sample informants. The study adopts a phenomenological approach, a qualitative research type that enables researchers to meticulously observe and listen to individuals' explanations or information regarding their experiences. Like other field research studies, data collection techniques in this study encompass observation, interviews, and documentation. For data analysis, the study employs data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings indicate that traditions at Pondok Pesantren Al Hidayat Lasem encompass educational traditions such as musafahah (handshaking), sorogan (public speaking), bandongan (group discussions), market activities, and consultations; religious traditions including congregational prayers, Quranic recitation gatherings, communal supplications and invocations, as well as recitations of Yasin and Tahlil; and socio-community traditions involving gatherings (ro'an), social service activities (bakti sosial), interfaith activities, and collaborations with hospitals for healthcare access. Furthermore, Kyai's leadership management at Pondok Pesantren Al Hidayat Lasem in maintaining the boarding school's traditions involves planning, organized through early-year meetings to deliberate on the upcoming academic year's activities; organization, wherein Kyai delegates responsibilities based on individuals' qualifications to execute all activities in the boarding school; implementation, with Kyai actively participating in all activities at Pondok Pesantren Al Hidayat Lasem; and supervision, conducted by Kyai through monthly meetings to gather information on ongoing activities and make subsequent decisions.


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